Should you update to iOS 11? In today's video we're going to review the newly released iOS 11 and its features, we're going to discuss about the current situation of the iOS 11 #Jailbreak, and we're gonna see whether you should update to iOS 11 or not.
iOS 11 comes with a relatively major revamp in terms of design, as the whole Control Center has been reinvented to look better and provide customizability. You can now add or remove features from the Control Center or even re-arrange them, which wasn't possible back on iOS 10 or iOS 9.
The #Files application is also a thing as of #iOS 11, although it isn't anything spectacular. Just a rough file viewer which requires access to your iCloud account, otherwise, it is completely useless. It does look good implementing the colored tags idea from macOS' Finder, it is just a shame the only files that app can manage are those stored in your iCloud Account. No local files support, so in contrast with Filza or iFiles from jailbroken devices, iOS 11's Files is just a gimmick.
Icon and whole app redesigns, like the App Store, iTunes Store, the Calculator app and the whole status bar, are quite a thing on iOS 11. The App Store has changed quite a lot, in fact, it barely resembles what App Store used to look like, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
The currently known iOS 11 Jailbreak is KeenLab's jailbreak demonstrated at MOSEC 2017, that Jailbreak, however, was intended for iOS 11 Beta and it hasn't been released. Chances are it was patched already by Apple, but the idea of the jailbreak being still functional as of the release version, isn't totally excluded. I have asked security researcher Liang Chen, the man behind Keenlab's Jailbreak whether he plans on releasing, and he told me there are no such plans as for now, so, it is safe to assume iOS 10.x might be a better choice for those who wanna jailbreak in the (near?) future.
More about iOS 11
More about KeenLab Jailbreak
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