iOS 10.1 Beta 1 Released – Features | Pangu Jailbreak Delayed | Luca Todesco’s Jailbreak (iPhone 7)

iOS 10.1 Beta 1 was seeded by Apple for the registered developers, it is the first major update since iOS 10.0.1 (the initial release of iOS 10 for general public) and it seem to be entirely focused on fixing bugs (and trust me, I definitely found some, especially on Safari's WebKit), and it adds a new feature for iPhone 7 Plus, the Portrait Mode.

Portrait Mode is a new cool feature that transforms your iPhone 7 Plus in a DSLR Camera. It makes use of the secondary camera to give an unique effect that consists in the ability to blur the background and focus on a person while taking a shot from distance.
This feature only works with the iPhone 7 Plus due to the additional camera on the back.

In this video we also discuss about Pangu's Jailbreak for iOS 10 which will most likely be delayed until iOS 10.1 is fully released.

Speaking about Jailbreak, hacker Luca Todesco has demoed iOS 10.0.1 Jailbreak on iPhone 7, which makes us believe that Pangu won't face any issues jailbreaking it as well.
Don't get your hopes too high, Luca Todesco said he won't never release a Jailbreak for general public. Although he will not release it, he might help Pangu with exploits or at least advice.

We don't recommend updating to a Beta firmware due to the fact that Betas tend to be kinda buggy. But is your own decision.

iOS 10.1 Beta 1:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)