In an unexpected turn of events, hacker @xerub and hacker @axi0mX have published keys for various iOS devices that have been missing them. These keys are crucial for Downgrades and DualBoot as the keys enable the user to customize parts of the IPSW or to use parts like the Kernel, DMGs and so on for various purposes like Odysseus downgrade.
Note! Even if the keys are now published, those of you interested in iCloud Bypass still CAN'T restore modified IPSWs. An exploit at least as powerful as the one used to grab the keys is necessary for CFW restores, so these keys aren't very helpful for iCloud Bypass.
These keys are very important for developers tho. See, xerub has published the iPhone 5S iOS 10.3.x keys for the BootChain (the rest are not encrypted), which means that hackers are now able to decrypt the iBoot and other parts of the BootChain, like the iBSS, iBEC or LLB in order to look for vulnerabilities that might result in an iBoot Exploit.
The keys published were for the Revision A of the A5 Chip (S5L8942) (iPod Touch 5th Generation, iPad Mini, Apple TV 3rd Gen and iPad 2 (2,4) by @axi0mX and iPhone 5S iOS 10.3.2.
Surprise! Decryption keys for all S5L8942 devices will be on the iPhone wiki today. Coolbooter dual boots and Odysseus downgrades #eta #son!
— axi0mX (@axi0mX) July 20, 2017
The Keys
How to DualBoot with CoolBooter
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