If you’re planning to jailbreak your iOS 15 device, you should definitely go ahead and save your iOS 15.3 RC blobs. Apple has stopped signing iOS 15.3.1 today following the iOS 15.4 release, but iOS 15.3 RC as well as some early iOS 15.4 Betas are still signed and are vulnerable to Synacktiv’s kernel vulnerability that can be used for a jailbreak. Taurine Jailbreak team already announced some devices will get a jailbreak up to 15.3.1.
Taurine Jailbreak will come in two rounds. The first round is going to be for the iPhone X and older devices. Those can be jailbroken up to iOS 15.3.1 thanks to Synacktiv’s kernel bug PoC released a week ago. The same kernel vulnerability would work on iPhone XS and newer (A12+) but those will only be supported up to 15.1.1 for now because of the new security mitigations.
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~ GeoSn0w