In this video, we’re covering the current status of the Taurine Jailbreak which Coolstar has announced will soon be updated for iOS 15.0 up to iOS 15.1.1. According to Coolstar, iOS 15.2 Beta 1 will officially no longer be included in the release. All devices will go up to iOS 15.1.1 (where it applies) or…
Tag Archives: taurine jailbreak ios 15
iOS 15.0 – 15.3.1 JAILBREAK Info: Do THIS RIGHT NOW While iOS 15.3 RC IS Still SIGNED!
If you’re planning to jailbreak your iOS 15 device, you should definitely go ahead and save your iOS 15.3 RC blobs. Apple has stopped signing iOS 15.3.1 today following the iOS 15.4 release, but iOS 15.3 RC as well as some early iOS 15.4 Betas are still signed and are vulnerable to Synacktiv’s kernel vulnerability…
iOS 15.0 – 15.3.1 JAILBREAK Announced: Taurine15 To Be RELEASED Soon (15.0 – 15.1.1 For A12+)
In this video, we have great news coming from Coolstar and the Taurine Jailbreak Team. They’ve announced that Taurine15 will be updated soon using BinaryBoy / Tihmstar’s kernel exploit for iOS 15.0 to iOS 15.1.1 / 15.2 Beta 1 on A12+ devices, and iOS 15.0 to basically iOS 15.3.1 in the future for A11 and…