In today’s video, we’re discussing a must-have iOS Tweak for all jailbroken iOS devices with either Unc0ver Jailbreak, CheckRa1n, Odyssey, or any other Jailbreak from iOS 14.3 all the way down to iOS 9. A tweak that should not be missing from your toolkit if you are jailbroken and you experience crashes and hangs with your jailbreak.
Cr4shed is a Crash reporting utility that allows you to get a notification every time a process crashes on your jailbroken device. Once you open the notification you immediately get access to the crash log that you can send to the tweak developer or to the jailbreak developer (Pwn20wnd, Coolstar, etc.), you get the reason it crashed and what was the culprit. This way you’d know what to uninstall to prevent further crashes and you can help iOS tweak developers and iOS Jailbreak developers understand how to fix their tools by providing the logs to them.
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~ GeoSn0w