In this video, we’re taking a look at JailbreakT33m’s alleged jailbreak utility called “Rootless Jailbreak” which they claim to have achieved for iOS 14.4 / 14.4.1 on A14 and lower by using their own kernel vuln. which hasn’t been patched yet. If real, this is pretty major, however, after a long-winded discussion with them on Twitter, I have formed an opinion, so let’s dive into it.
I was pretty sketched up by their claims. An iOS 14.4 jailbreak for A14, even if they claim they don’t have tweaks working yet, would be pretty major. We do have iOS 14.3 and lower kernel vulns and in fact, we already have Unc0ver Jailbreak and Odyssey Jailbreak in the works for 14.3 and lower, but this “team” claims they’ve gone a step further. So can we, the jailbreak community, actually trust their claims? Everything is discussed in this video.
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~ GeoSn0w