NEW iOS 13.5 / 13.4.1 / 13.0 Odyssey JAILBREAK To Be Released With LibHooker! Should You Switch?

In today’s video, we’re discussing a brand new jailbreak called #Odyssey that will be released soon as open-source for iOS 13.5 all the way down to iOS 13.0. This is the successor to Chimera Jailbreak which was for iOS 12, and will also come with Sileo (a modern Cydia Alternative) by default. It also includes LibHooker which allegedly makes it stable and fast. It comes as a direct competitor to Unc0ver and CheckRa1n on iOS 13.

The jailbreak has been demoed by both tihmstar (developer of the past H3lix jailbreaks) and Coolstar (developer of Electra Jailbreak and Chimera Jailbreak). According to Coolstar, Odyssey will also come to AltStore just like Unc0ver, so you’ll be able to install it quickly on your device using the now very popular AltStore tool. So with a new jailbreak on sights that also promises to be better and more stable than the competition, should you switch?

As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials!
~ GeoSn0w

▽ Resources ▽
Our Jailbreak Central Forum
iOS 13.5 / 13.4 / 13.0 NEW CheckRa1n JAILBREAK OdysseyRa1n Bootstrap For BETTER SPEED And STABILITY!
iOS 13.5 / 13.4.1 / 13.4 Unc0ver JAILBREAK RELEASED! How To Jailbreak iOS 13.5 & Lower (All devices)
iOS 13.5 / 13.4.1 – 13.0 Unc0ver JAILBREAK NO PC – Where To Get & Is It Safe To Use?
How to install Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 13.5 using AltStore


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)