In today's video, we talk yet again about IBSparkes' achievements. Just a few hours ago Ben has posted on his Twitter account a few screenshots of iOS 13 Beta 1 being successfully Jailbroken with Cydia. This is just a day after he successfully jailbroke iOS 12.4 with Cydia. iOS 13 has been released as a Beta 1 just a few days ago during the WWDC19. Before its release, there were rumors circulating that iOS 13 will put an end to jailbreaking. In reality, IBSparkes successfully got a kernel exploit working on iOS 13 Beta 1 just a day after the release. Today it looks like Ben has evolved. He has successfully jailbroken his device with #Cydia which is totally unbelievable.
The only mention that we currently have about the exploit used is from Ben stating "APFS" and "Security Feature 0day" on Twitter in a very cryptic message. It's currently unknown if Ben is planning to release these jailbreaks for iOS 12.4 and iOS 13 Beta 1, but he has released the Meridian Jailbreak in the past, as well as 2 kernel exploits with tfp0 which were used in the current iOS 12 Jailbreaks, including in my jailbreak, Osiris Jailbreak.
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▽ Resources ▽
▶ NEW Jailbreak With Cydia Achieved! | iOS 12.4, 12.3.1, 12.2, 12.1.4, 12.1.3 JAILBREAK News
▶ New Unc0ver Pseudo Untethered JAILBREAK ACHIEVED (iOS 12.1.2 – 12.0) Explained
▶ iOS 13 B1 / iOS 12.2 / 12.1.3 JAILBREAK News: New Jailbreak Exploit With ROOT Achieved
▶ iOS 13 Beta 1 Highlights / Features | Cydia Impactor News | iOS 13 JAILBREAK NEWS
▶ iOS 12.3.1 / 12.3 / 12.2 / 12.1.4 JAILBREAK NEWS: TFP0 EXPLOIT ACHIEVED! & What This Means