iOS 13.1.1 / 13.0 / 12.4.1 JAILBREAK Can Be Made With CheckM8 BootROM Exploit (EXPLAINED)

In today’s video, we’re discussing about the jailbreak possibilities offered by the #CheckM8 BootRom exploit released yesterday by developer @axi0mX on Twitter. The exploit supports iPhone 4S all the way up to iPhone X and iPhone 8, on all iOS versions supported by these devices and it cannot be patched. With it, a jailbreak on any iOS version including the newly released iOS 13.0, iOS 13.1 and iOS 13.1.1 is possible. In this video, I detail how and what are the possibilities, including CFW (Custom iOS Firmware), Jailbreak via semi-tethered tool or Downgrades.

Axi0mX’s exploit has made headlines yesterday on all major iOS news websites because it’s the biggest release in the history of iOS and Jailbreaking. This will change the iOS Jailbreak landscape for the years to come. Unfortunately, Apple caught this exploit a long time ago and patched it in iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone XS Max, and the iPhone 11 line. Still, for iPhone X and older, this unlocks a world of possibilities for downgrades to any iOS, DualBoot, installing Android on iPhone, and any other actions one can think of. Now you truly own the device you paid for.

As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS and #Jailbreak news, tutorials and updates!

▽ Resources ▽
Our Jailbreak Forum
[NEWS] iOS BootROM Exploit RELEASED! JAILBREAK ANY iOS FOREVER + DualBoot & Downgrades
iOS 12.4 / 12.0 A12 Unc0ver JAILBREAK: How Fix Most Un0cver / Cydia Errors / Problems
Unc0ver Jailbreak for A12
iOS 12.4 Compatible Tweaks
Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 12.4


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)