In today's video, we're discussing the release of RootlessJB v3 developer Jailbreak by developer Jake James which now supports #iOS 12.0 all the way up to iOS 12.1.2. This jailbreak supports SSH through Dropbear, a feature that I will be adding soon to my Osiris Jailbreak for iOS 12 as well. Of course, being a developer jailbreak this one is only recommended for those who need SSH. Casual jailbreak users may find this a bit hard to use so I'd wait a bit more.
Of course, this #jailbreak doesn't allow tweaks or themes to be installed, there is no Cydia, no code injection and no R/W remount for the ROOT File System. Just Sandbox escape, root, and SSH for now. As I said, it's a developer jailbreak not one for the general public. So much so that you need to compile it yourself. It is very similar to my Osiris Jailbreak in that they both like a remount and tweaks support. For that, you'll have to wait for a public-oriented Jailbreak like Electra or Unc0ver to be updated. This tool supports A9 through A11, no A12 Chip yet (iPhone XS, XR, and XS MAX), but that will be added soon. Older devices A7 / A8 aren't supported either.
If you want to install RootlessJB, you will need to compile it yourself with Xcode. That requires a Mac computer and a bit of knowledge on how Xcode works. At the time I am making this video there is no IPA file available for you to side-load. If you don't feel like using Xcode, I'd recommend waiting for further updates. To stay updated with anything that is going on in the jailbreak community do not forget to subscribe to the channel.
▽ Resources ▽
▶ RootlessJB Jailbreak for iOS 12.0 up to 12.1.2
▶ iOS 12 / iOS 11 / iOS 10 DOWNGRADE: "FutureRestore" IMPORTANT UPDATE!
▶ iOS 12.1.2 / 12 How to Get Tweaked iOS ++Apps and Games (NO COMPUTER / NO JAILBREAK)