iOS 11.x IMPORTANT JAILBREAK Update: STABLE Electra Build, Coolstar Drama

In today's video, we have some important updates on the Electra #Jailbreak for #iOS 11.1.2/11.0. The version 1.0.3 has been released and it is completely stable and can be used pretty much normally. According to Coolstar, there are no known major bugs that have to be fixed in 1.0.3, therefore, it should work fine. Electra 1.0.3 does contain Cydia.

Now, there is a catch to that. #Electra works very nice as long as what you install (the tweaks) are properly updated to work with iOS 11 and with Electra. According to Coolstar, most of the times when people complain about Electra not working properly, these people have installed tweaks from shady repos that contain outdated tweaks or tweaks that have their dependencies modified or outdated (for example the daemons required for the tweak to work). Some of these shady repos also change the version number structure making it very hard to account for them when an error appears.

Coolstar decided to move the development of Electra in private due to the drama in the community. According to him, he will not be releasing updates on the development progress on his Twitter, nor on the r/Jailbreak. In a blog post he made, he goes hard after the jailbreak community for being "immature". More details in the video.

▽ Resources ▽
Learn how to make iOS Apps!
Electra 1.0.3
Coolstar's blog post
DoubleH3lix Jailbreak RELEASED!
How to remove to.panga
More details about Meridian Jailbreak
New iOS 11.2/iOS 11.2.1/11.2.2 Kernel BUG To Be Released Soon


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)