In today's video, we have very good news to discuss about the future of Cydia in the upcoming Jailbreaks. At the beginning of July, all the odds inclined to Cydia being ditched for the more robust and faster Sileo by Coolstar and the Electra Team. At that point, with saurik gone and Coolstar dropping Cydia, there was nobody to continue updating Cydia to work with the upcoming Jailbreaks or even with the current ones. However, last month's drama around Electra, Coolstar, and Pwn20wnd, a former Electra Team member resulted in Pwn20wnd creating his own Jailbreak completely independent from Electra and Sileo.
While Electra will definitely adopt Sileo and ditch #Cydia once Sileo is done, Pwn continued to improve on top of the 10 years old Cydia and today he has announced the fact that he successfully ran Cydia on his device with minor patches on #iOS 11.3.x / 11.4 b3 His interest in Cydia combined with the open source status of the Cydia Installer and the Limitless Cydia fork makes Cydia get the well-deserved second chance it should have got.
Many users are happy Cydia is not gone. Yes, Sileo is fast and built with 2018 technology. It's actually a magnitude faster than Cydia and with good reason, but for some people, Cydia is all they need and they are not ready to ditch it. Electra Team's decision to replace it without giving users the option to chose from back in July didn't catch so well with the public and even tho now they'd allow both installers to run on the same Jailbreak, it's more than clear they won't be spending too much time fixing Cydia once the aging will eventually break the patches they've added now. That's why I am happy Pwn decided to support Cydia.
▽ Resources ▽
▶ Pwn20wnd on Twitter
▶ NEW iOS 11.4 b3/11.3.x "Unc0ver" JAILBREAK COMING: Cydia, Sileo News, Electra Freezes Fixed!
▶ iOS 11.4 (FINAL) JAILBREAK GREAT NEWS! NEW Sandbox/Root Vulnerability | Osiris Jailbreak
▶ Cydia Fix/Update Video