iOS 9 Downgrade For 32-Bit With FutureRestore and SHSH Blobs (No ApNonce) – NEW Update

In today's video we're discussing about the latest update of FutureRestore, which is an iOS Downgrade tool created by tihmstar. The newest update, according to @tihmstar "now supports re-restoring 32-bit to iOS 9 with the noNonce bug right from DFU mode." 
This tool can ONLY help you downgrade IF YOU HAVE the iOS 9 SHSH blob file saved. In the video I've explained more about the SHSH and SHSH2 blobs files. These files are unique for each device and you can't use your friend's / someone else's blobs. Modifying someone else's blobs is also not possible, so unless you've saved the SHSH blobs for iOS 9 back when iOS 9 used to be signed, it is too late now.

FutureRestore also works with 64-Bit devices. We've discussed about that in my previous iOS Downgrade videos. The SHSH2 blobs for 64-Bit devices, as well as the restore procedures are different, but the same idea holds true, you need to have the blobs already saved in order to use them now.

If you don't have blobs saved you can't use the tool, but would be recommended to start saving SHSH2 blobs from now on as you never know when you will need them. This tool comes in handy for 32-Bit owners since iOS 11 dropped the support for them, and I doubt Apple will have any new updates for these devices, besides iOS 10.3.3. iOS 10.x tends to work pretty slow on some 32-Bit devices and therefore, a downgrade back to iOS 9.x might boost the speed considerably. FutureRestore is NOT available for Windows.

FutureRestore on GitHub
iOS 10.3.2 & iOS 11 Jailbreak Demoed at MOSEC
Stefan Esser to RELEASE 32-Bit Kernel Bugs
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About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)