iOS 10.2 Save SHSH2 On Windows for Downgrade And Jailbreak

Today, as a follow up to my previous video made on a MAC, I will show you how to save the SHSH2 blobs for downgrading in the future using tihmstar's futurerestore tool (Prometheus). We're going to do this on Windows so that everyone, no matter what OS one is rocking, can have his downgrade paths clear.

We're also going to talk about Yalu Jailbreak for iOS 10.0 to iOS 10.2 (x64) that was released (first beta) and we're going to see together which are the devices that will be supported in the next update and what is the firmware you should be on if you have an iPhone 6 or 5S.
Please also keep in mind that Yalu for iOS 10.2 is now in Beta stages which means it is not very stable. Use at your own risk.

1Conan's TSS Checker:
Yalu Jailbreak on Windows:
Yalu Jailbreak on OS X:
Save SHSH2 on OS X:



About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)

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