iOS 9.3.5 – iPhone 5 / iPhone 5C Patched Setup.App for CFW iCloud Bypass

Today I released the iOS 9.3.5 (Genoa) iPhone 5 and 5C Setup.App Patch as the keys for these devices were published recently on TheiPhonewiki. While Firmware Manager has a built-in feature to build these patches, that feature works and was only tested with iOS 10.x which is different (very different) compared with 9.3.5.

So, I had to make the 9.3.5 patch manually. Keep in mind that if you are running iOS 9.3.5 you need the keys that are available on TheiPhonewiki, but if you get iOS 10.1, you don't need any keys anymore.

==What about iPhone 4S?==
Good question! See, iPhone 4S's iOS 9.3.5 keys were NOT released on theiphonewiki for some reason and we can't build the patch without accessing the file. When the keys will be dropped, we will build the patch right away.

==Can iPhone 4S run iOS 10 like iPhone 5 and 5C?==
TL;DR: No.
iPhone 4S was dropped since June when the first iOS 10.0 Beta 1 build was seeded. iOS 10 announced the end of iPhone 4S's updates therefore iOS 9.3.5 is the latest and will remain the latest version for iPhone 4S. Don't look at this as a bad thing, as this device was dropped, exploits, vulnerabilities and patches can now be published without being afraid of getting them patched in the next version.

It is extremely important to READ the F.A.Q. page we have in the description. Please take your time to consult it.

==Download Section==
iOS 9.3.5 Setup.App Patch:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)