Today I compiled and released the newest version of LibiMobileDevice for Windows as yesterday, I released the OS X one and some people also asked for Windows variant.
There were some updates made a few days ago on the official GitHub page of the LibiMobiledevice, therefore, I went strength ahead and re-compiled the builds I have here on my channel and I also updated the F.C.E. 365 Firmware Manager X to have the latest version, so that you lose no updates.
While on Windows is harder to compile Libi yourself as it requires MinGW, if you don't trust my pre-compiled builds (from various reasons known only by you), you should either use VirusTotal website to scan them against any virus, or you can build the exe files strength from the GitHub Source Codes. (MinGW knowledge required).
As the creators of LibiMobileDevice declare on the official website, this updated version DOES work with iOS 10!
Updated Libi:!V0dUAQqT!CBca69kGYpGQObiKuO1LU9ROqnXakThp5a0-8Y3Svfw
Firmware Manager: