iOS 10 Beta 8 – iPhone 5S Full iCloud Bypass With CFW + Proofs!

Today, due to iOS 10's ROOT FS being decrypted from factory, we managed to get a CFW working on iPhone 5S (6,2). Although we bypassed it, the phone didn't seem to receive any carrier coverage (No Service), an issue inherited by all iCloud Bypassed devices ever since the iOS 3.x

In order to do this, we must use iOS 10 Beta because iOS 9.3.x is encrypted and there are no public keys available for x64 devices, only for x32. Installing iOS 10 Beta 8 requires macOS (OS X) and the latest beta of XCODE 8. XCODE 8 requires an Apple Developer Account to be downloaded and for the profiles.

Unfortunately, due to Beta limitations put in place by Apple , you can't do this on Windows. There is no workaround for this as for now.

The device I managed to bypass is a 16 GB version, the smaller the better. 64 GB versions of iPhone 5S might not be compatible with this method at all.

It is strongly recommended to READ THE F.A.Q. before commenting, or before attempting.

Might still be buggy! Errors might occur! Alpha stage! For devs only!

This is the first time we develop for x64, compatibility is reduced. If you find issues, it is extremely important to check them on the F.A.Q.!

This video is provided for educational purpose only! You are liable for the way you use the information from above and for possible damages.

Terminal command:
hdiutil convert filename.dmg -format UDRW -o newfile.dmg


==Download Section==
Setup.App For x64:!shEk0TBD!bLR0lIzJWhmFThnQCRFx6cbotovV3LemLF1LUtOJ9bQ
iOS 10 Beta 8:
Xcode 8:

iPhone 5S Kernel Kexts:



About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)