As you probably know, version 13.5 came with a major interface change. In the presentation video's comment section, you left your feedback, and we listened. Firmware Manager 14.0 comes now with great new features, as well as BUG fixes, stability improvements and better support for Windows 10!
In today's video, we actually discuss the biggest (visible) changes we made on F.C.E. 365 Firmware Manager Application.
A lot of people told us in the comments section that we should create inside the app, a module able to calculate the OSVarSize automatically, without using the complicated formula. We did it. Now you can access the tool in the Page 2 of the Tools section.
Also, for developers out there, a great new tool was added to the Firmware Manager. The ability to calculate the Base64 of the SHA-1 digest of a file. It is the exact method Apple uses to generate their digests on the BuildManifest.Plist file, and now you can use it to test whatever you'd like to test regarding these plist files.
The application now comes with a fail-safe mechanism to prevent users from using the app, if Data folder is missing or got corrupted. You are being told about it if it happens, and this prevents you from getting a headache while trying to understand long and complicate error logs.
You are welcome!
P.S. Windows 10 users must run the app in Administrator mode.
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