iOS 10.3.3 / iOS 10.3.2 Jailbreak by XIG TEAM CONFIRMED FAKE!

Unfortunately, the XIG Team turned to be exactly what we were afraid of, a massive troll. I had a felling they're trolling yesterday when I posted on my twitter the fact that they might be a massive troll, and 1 day later, boom. This can quite possibly be the biggest troll in the jailbreak community to this point. Whoever is behind this has planned it for a lot of time and they've exploited people's trust. They knew that if some security researchers get to follow them, normal people will follow.

Just a few hours ago, XIG Team changed their twitter handle into @tim_c0ck and their name into Tim Cock. They've also posted a troll tweet in which they said Tim Cock took over the account and he releases the jailbreak tomorrow after conference. Of course, a troll tweet, no jailbreak will be released. Once again, iPhone 7 users are let down.

Their strategy was apparently to gain as many followers as they can, and then troll them. I don't know why they thought this is funny, or in any way useful for a community already losing trust in jailbreaks, their sense of humor might seriously be damaged if they think trolling the community is something nice.

I guess this has thought all of us an important lesson, unless they release something, they are fake, it is better this way. Funny how someone really invested some time into building the ultimate troll when he could have used that time to study jailbreaking for real…

iOS 10.3.2 / iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak Status (August) | New Exploits, New Jailbreak for 10.2.1
iOS 9.3.4 Jailbreak for 32-Bit
How To Downgrade UNTETHERED iOS 9.3.5 To iOS 8.4.1 NO SHSH BLOBS (32-Bit)
iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak (Phoenix)
Cydia Impactor for iOS 11 RELEASED


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)