In this clip, I will show you how to save your iOS 14.3 RC blobs for Jailbreak purposes. As you probably know, Odyssey Jailbreak developer, Coolstar, said you should stay on iOS 14.3 or lower if you wanna jailbreak sooner, because these versions are vulnerable can jailbreakable. While iOS 14.3 is no longer signed and…
Tag Archives: save iOS shsh2 blobs no PC
iOS 14.3 UNTETHERED Downgrade & Future Jailbreak: How To Save SHSH2 BLOBS WITHOUT PC (Pre-A12)
In today’s video, we’re discussing about how to save SHSH2 blobs for iOS 14.3 without being jailbroken and without a computer, on pre-A12 devices. These blobs are necessary when you wanna perform a downgrade in the future, especially if you wanna be able to downgrade Untethered! An Untethered downgrade means that you won’t need to…