▶ Fix Various iOS Issues with PhoneRescue, No Data Loss (ad) Today, we’re discussing the achievement of a relatively new jailbreak developer in our community who has decided to tackle the iOS 15 jailbreak challenge and managed to obtain R/W access to /var/containers using publicly available exploit and code. This is a great start and…
Tag Archives: kernel iOS jailbreak
iOS 15.0 – 15.3.1 JAILBREAK News: New Techniques RELEASED (Can Be Used In Unc0ver / Taurine JB)
▶ Fix Various iOS Issues with PhoneRescue, No Data Loss Today we’re discussing the latest research released by security expert John Åkerblom, who has recently posted a brand new kernel exploit for iOS 15.1.1 and lower, as well as their presentation slides containing both new and old techniques to obtain Kernel Read / Write which…