Happy halloween! Today Apple has seeded the iOS 10.1.1 update for all compatible devices starting from iPhone 5 and going up to iPhone 7 Plus. In this video we're going to overview the main features of iOS 10.1.1, the security changes and how this affects the Jailbreak for iOS 10. We're going to also discuss…
Tag Archives: iPhone 7 portrait mode
iOS 10.1 Beta 2 Features | How to install iOS Beta | About Pangu Jailbreak
Today we're discussing about the new iOS 10.1 Beta 2 build that was seeded by Apple yesterday for registered Beta testers. Also, we're going to talk about the features, changes and how this new built might affect the upcoming Pangu Jailbreak for iOS 10.1. Pangu has already demonstrated iOS 10 Jailbreak back in June when…