In today’s video, we’re talking about the latest updates to the #Unc0ver #Jailbreak by Pwn20wnd and Sam Bingner. The Beta 7 was released just a few hours ago and now the Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.4 and #iOS 12.2 are considered stable and safe to use for any jailbreak user. Multiple bugs were…
Tag Archives: iOS 12.1.3 Unc0ver Jailbreak
Unc0ver JAILBREAK For iOS 12.1.3 / 12.1.4 / 12.2 RELEASED! (With Cydia / Tweaks)
In this video, we’re discussing the release of #Unc0ver Jailbreak v3.3.0 Beta 1 and Beta 2, the official update for Unc0ver for iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.4 and iOS 12.2 with #Cydia. Yes, iOS 12.2, iOS 12.1.4 and iOS 12.1.3 are finally fully jailbroken on some devices using the new Sockpuppet tfp0 kernel exploit released by…