In today’s video, we have massive news to discuss some very valuable research released by the Pangu Jailbreak Team and security researcher Siguza in the past couple of days. Pangu Team was at BlackHat 2019 and they had two different talks, one about Remote Code Execution in FaceTime, and another one about exploiting the iPhone XS MAX (Basically A12 devices) in which they also covered very important aspects of PAC, XNU, and other security mechanisms. Also, at the same time, security researcher Siguza has published a very detailed article about APRR, KTRR and other hardware-based security mechanisms Apple uses in their devices, previously unknown details and vulnerabilities, all of which help the Jailbreak community enormously.
Of course, these may not be very useful right away for the end-user, but for the Jailbreak developers who build these tools, these research slides are extremely valuable because they were produced after long hours of independent research, trial and error and a lot of reverse engineering. This is not random info you get from the internet, it takes literally days of digging and poking around to understand these mechanisms Apple would like you to not even know they exist. Of course, for the jailbreak community, the better we understand these mechanisms, the better we can keep up with Apple’s new mitigations and we can continue to build reliable jailbreak tools.
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