In today’s video, we’re discussing the current status of the iOS 13.0, #iOS 13.1.2, iOS 13.1.3 and also iOS 12.4.1 #Jailbreak, for all the devices including A12 devices and A13 devices. As you probably know, A12 devices are the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR, and A13 devices are the iPhone 11 variants released this year. In the video we’re discussing the current iOS kernel exploits available, which ones work on which types of devices and what are the best iOS versions to stay on if you wanna jailbreak your device as soon as possible.
We’re also discussing about CheckM8 and its compatible devices, as well as what should people who don’t have a device compatible with #CheckM8 / CheckRa1n should do. For those devices, such as the #A12 and A13 ones, #tfp0 kernel exploits are still vital for a successful jailbreak and people should still choose the versions they update to wisely.
For the devices compatible with CheckM8, which are the iPhone X all the way down to iPhone 4S, the iOS version they stay on is completely irrelevant because the exploit is not patchable and thus we can use it to jailbreak iOS 13, iOS 12 and any other iOS version, past present or future.
▽ Resources ▽
▶ Our Jailbreak Forum
▶ iOS 13.1.3 / 13 / 12 CFW Creation: How To Extract Keys And Decrypt IPSW (iCloud Bypass / Jailbreak)
▶ iOS 13.1.2 / 13.0 / 12.x CheckRa1n JAILBREAK / CFW With CheckM8 Exploit (JAILBREAK Forever)
▶ How To Use CheckM8 BootROM Exploit For CFW / Jailbreak (iOS 13, iOS 12, iOS 11 PWNED DFU Mode)