In today's video, we're discussing the latest exploit and tools releases for iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.4 and iOS 12.2 Jailbreak. Following the iOS 12.3 release, a few security researchers announced their intentions to release the vulnerabilities, exploits, and tools they've developed for iOS 12.2 and lower. One of these researchers is @DanyL931 who released a wealth of tools and information about his 2 vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-8637 and CVE-2019-8593). He published both the exploits and a couple of very interesting tools to mess with the system and patch various things without being jailbroken.
The first of these tools is called "launchdown", and according to Dany it can be used for research purposes "altering system state and triggering additional vulnerabilities." The other tool called Patchy is described on GitHub as follows: "This may be used to corrupt applications and other installable bundles (like removable system apps, Swift Playgrounds, Carrier bundles, etc) and exploit other parts of the system which otherwise were inaccessible."
So as you can see, pretty hefty tools which would definitely be helpful for the jailbreak community. Ned of Google Project Zero also released his vulnerability which is an User-After-Free (UaF) in the XNU kernel. He stated that he's not sure whether the vulnerability is enough for tfp0, but he'll dig for more bugs.
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▽ Resources ▽
▶ iOS 12.2 / 12.1.4 / 12.1.3 JAILBREAK NEWS: NEW Kernel PoC RELEASED
▶ How to Install Unc0ver and Chimera JAILBREAK WITHOUT COMPUTER (NO PC) iOS 12.0 – 12.1.2
▶ AWESOME iOS 12 CYDIA TWEAKS: BEST FREE Tweaks to Install On iOS 12.0 – 12.1.2