In today's video, I have for you the Firmware Manager X, a new, completely changed version for which I've been working for almost 3 weeks. This version, is entirely based on the Feedback and Bug reports you've sent to us. The application is now much more faster, stable and compatible, has a new, fresh User Interface which makes the app to start faster, with no splash screen to delay nothing.
The features are now grouped better to reflect the required task and to prevent the app for being to complicate to be used by average users.
The application is compatible with Windows 10 as well, but requires you to start it in Administrator mode.
Only download the app from our official links, to prevent getting outdated or modified (virus) app version created by scammers!
The application comes as a faster access route for the old CLI applications like xpwntool and libimobiledevice project. The application's main purpose is to bring access on CLI applications for firmware DMG Encryption / Decryption, ASR patching and restoring for persons that doesn't understand CLI applications.
Basically, the app uses xpwntool and especially dmg.exe to Decrypt the ROOT FS DMG file inside the .IPSW Firmware using appropriate Firmware Keys, then using the same keys it encrypts back your modified ROOT File System DMG. The same thing applies to ramdisk DMGs inside the IPSW Firmware. The application uses hfsplus to decrypt the ramdisk and allows you to create the patches for ASR, iBSS, iBEC and so on.
F.C.E. 365 Firmware Manager makes use of libimobiledevice, especially of idevicerestore CLI to restore an iPSW for your iDevice. The device selection is made by UDID and the restore options are: Erase Restore, Update Restore, Custom Restore, and Restore Latest Available. Due to libimobiledevice integration, this app does not require iTunes to restore the iPSW. SHSH Blobs are also fetched automatically by idevicerestore.
==Download Section==
Tell me your opinion about the new user interface in the comments section!