In today’s video, we’re discussing the latest Unc0ver Jailbreak released by the #Unc0ver Team / Pwn20wnd, as they are pretty massive. In fact, the Unc0ver Team calls this update “the biggest stability and reliability update to unc0ver ever”, so you know it’s worth updating to it, but let’s see exactly why. Aside from a lot…
Tag Archives: Unc0ver Jailbreak iPhone XR
iOS 12.4 / 12.2 / 12.1.3 Unc0ver JAILBREAK For A12: Current Status & When To Expect A Release
In today’s video, we’re discussing the current status of the A12 Unc0ver jailbreak and when to expect the Unc0ver Jailbreak for A12 devices (iPhone XS, XR, and XS MAX) to be released. Pwn20wnd has updated the official #Unc0ver website which was released just a few days ago to have a progress bar that somehow indicates…
iOS 12.4 / 12.2 / 12.1.4 Unc0ver A12 JAILBREAK Big News | iOS 13.1 Beta | Unc0ver New Site
In today’s video, we have three main topics to discuss. At first, we’re covering the new official #Unc0ver #Jailbreak website, a long due platform from where one can now get the latest version of the Unc0ver Jailbreak without having to mess with GitHub releases tabs. Then we proceed to the great #A12 Jailbreak for iOS…