Today we’re discussing the latest news from the Manticore Team which was developing the Manticore Jailbreak and the Pwn-My Safari jailbreak for iOS 13 all the way up to iOS 14.8. Had it been finished, it would have supported iOS 14.6, iOS 14.7.1, iOS 14.7, and even iOS 14.5 too, however, the project is officially…
Tag Archives: pwnmy jailbreak
Manticore JAILBREAK (A12+) Great NEWS: Install Any Package Manager + Demo On Device
In this video, we’re discussing some great news about Manticore Jailbreak, which will now allow the user to install any of the popular package managers, rather than being limited to just Cydia, Sileo, or Zebra. As progress is being made, a new UI update was pushed on GitHub which allows the user to select the…
Manticore JAILBREAK Was RELEASED As Open-Source (And It’s Quite A Great Project)
Today I have some great news for those of you who were waiting for the Manticore Jailbreak to be revealed. The Open Sourced repository is now available on GitHub publicly, as it was released by the Manticore Team a few hours ago. The code is fully available for anybody to check and improve. The Manticore…
iOS 14.6 / 14.5.1 / 14.5 JAILBREAK (A12+) NEWS: PwnMy / Manticore Update + I Joined The Team!
In this video, I have some great news for people waiting for an iOS 14.5 to iOS 14.6 jailbreak, especially on A12+ devices. I will be joining the Manticore Jailbreak Team, the developers of the Manticore Jailbreak and Pwn-My Jailbreak, in an attempt to help develop these jailbreaks faster. The Manticore Team develops PwnMy, a…
iOS 14.7 – 14.4 JAILBREAK Info (A12+): Can The RELEASED LPE Vuln Be Used For Unc0ver & Taurine?
In this video, we’re going to address a few questions we’ve got from the community about whether Unc0ver Jailbreak and Taurine Jailbreak can benefit from the LPE vuln released recently by Saar Amar, or if it can only be used for PwnMy (Safari Jailbreak). We’re also going to discuss which jailbreak is most likely to…
iOS 14.6 / 14.5.1 / 14.5 A12+ JAILBREAK Update: Clarifications About The New Vuln + Safari Jailbreak
Following yesterday’s video about the new jailbreak vulnerability released by security researcher Saar Amar, we’ve got some new clarifications and information, so in today’s video, we’re discussing further the vulnerability patched in iOS 14.7.1. The vulnerability is usable for jailbreak purposes on all devices. We have some important jailbreak info to discuss particularly PwnMy Safari…
iOS 14.6 / 14.5.1 / 14.5 Safari JAILBREAK (PwnMy) With REAL WebKit Vulns (Manticore Mirror)
In this video, we’re taking a look at a new Manticore Pwn-My Jailbreak website sent by one of my viewers. It appears to be a work-in-progress Jailbreak for iOS 14.6, iOS 14.5.1, and iOS 14.5 which claims to be the Manticore Pwn-My Jailbreak by RPwnage. To make matters more complicated, looking at the source code…
iOS 14.6 / 14.5.1 / 14.4 JAILBREAK (A12 – A14): PwnMy Safari Jailbreak Status + All You Need To Know
Today’s we’re discussing the current status of the #PwnMy Safari Jailbreak for iOS 14.5, iOS 14.5.1, and iOS 14.6 for A12, A13, and A14 devices, which aims to change the landscape of the iOS jailbreak, at least for a while. No revokes, no signing, no IPAs to worry about like it’s currently the case with…
iOS 14.5.1 / 14.5 / 14.4 JAILBREAK NEWS: Manticore Safari Jailbreak News + New Vuln Demo & More!
In this video, we discuss the progress towards the PwnMy / Manticore Web Jailbreak, a Safari-based iOS 14.5 / 14.5.1 jailbreak that is currently in the works. We also discuss xerub’s new vulnerability and what it can do. There’s a lot of great progress going on in the jailbreak community, so let’s dig in! We’re…