iOS 10.3.1 – How to Save SHSH2 WITH TicketBox (iOS 10.3.x Fixed Version)

In today's video I'd like to show you how to use the latest version of TicketBox to save your SHSH2 blobs for iOS 10.3.1 and iOS 10.3.2. The reason it is very important is because Pangu has demoed the already known Jailbreak for iOS 10.3.1 at Janus Conference and considering the fact that iOS 10.3.2 is up, iOS 10.3.1 will soon stop being signed by Apple and so updates and downgrades to it will become impossible. By saving SHSH2 you have a chance to use any future downgrade tool. Even FutureRestore (Prometheus) tool by @tihmstar is still usable if the Baseband SHSH bug gets fixed, so there is still hope to be able to restore to this vulnerable version on which Pangu has achieved a Jailbreak.

An important thing to note is that if you save your SHSH2 blobs you have a chance to downgrade in the future, if you don't there is absolutely no way for you as any downgrade tool ever invented used somehow saved SHSH blobs and that pattern will continue (unless some Bootrom exploit for newer devices is found).
TicketBox is not better than TSSChecker or TSSSaver, they pretty much work in similar fashion, but I recommend you to save SHSH2 blobs with all available tools, should one be found buggy and the blobs saved with invalid, you will have backups. It only takes a minute or two per tool, or even less, so it is definitely a good practice.

This particular version of TicketBox is updated to fix according to the author, issues on the iOS 10.3.x SHSH2 blobs saving and to also ad German support. Please make sure you store your blobs somewhere safe and if you're using 1Conan's website and tsschecker for backup blobs, make sure you use the correct ECID and the correct board config (if required).

TicketBox 0.5.1
iOS 10 Downgrade – Save Your SHSH2 Blobs on iPhone (No PC)
1Conan's TSSSaver
Devices and Board Configs
iOS 11, WWDC 17 & iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak Info, Save SHSH2
Yalu Jailbreak Forever – How to Resign Yalu Automatically (No PC)
iOS 10.3.1 Pangu Jailbreak & MOSEC News | iOS 10.3.2 Delayed


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)